Eufaula Parks and Recreation has adopted, and plays by rules and regulations governed by Dixie Softball Inc. This Dixie organization covers eleven (11) southeastern states from Texas to Virginia. In addition to rules, a Code of Conduct and Policy and Procedures have been adopted for parents, coaches and spectators including the Recreation staff.
Registration is held in January and February online or at the Eufaula Community Center during normal business hours. Participants MUST play in the league determined by their birthday. Be prepared to give the child’s shirt size at the time of registration or know it at the time of registering online. There will be sample shirts to help you determine the correct size at the ECC should you need to try one on. We encourage you to take advantage of the savings our REGULAR REGISTRATION period has to offer. Not only does it save you money, but it helps us plan more efficiently for the upcoming season. A copy of birth certificates are now required at the time of registration.
Even though our coaches are “volunteers”, some local businesses provide incentives for your time. Please print and fill out the Volunteer Coach Application and return to the Eufaula Community Center. For further details, please contact Les Swain at 334-687-1213.
Participants MUST play in the league determined by their birthday. Age cut-off date is December 31st of the PREVIOUS YEAR. How old was your child as of this date? This is the league they will play in.Dixie SweeTees Girls Ages 5 - 6 Dixie Darlings Girls Ages 7 - 8 Dixie Angels Girls Ages 9 - 10 Dixie Ponytails Girls Ages 11 - 12 Dixie Belles Girls Ages 13 - 15
Regular Registration thru Jan. 31st $50.00
Late Registration: Feb 1st-Feb 7th $70.00
Waiting List: TBD
There are no youth sports registrations taking place at this time. |