Pool Rental (Pool reserved for rented guests only)
$300 per 4 hour block (4 hour minimum)
1 Lifeguard (for up to 20 swimmers-over 20 swimmers you must pay for additional lifeguards).
Use of 1 room to eat food. 1 meeting room (75 guests max in meeting room-If more than 75 guests, $20 per hour additional fee).
An ECC FACILITY REQUEST FORM must be completed & a deposit of at least
half the total fee made at least 30 days prior to the date the facilities are requested.
All rental agreements are subject to approval by the Director and/or the Parks & Recreation
Board. For more information, please call Jennifer Lunsford at (334) 687-1246 or email.
Members of the Eufaula Community Center receive 10% off Community Center rentals.